Racquets ready! Southeast district tennis team prepares for the Summer Games – DiscoverEstevan.com

The Saskatchewan Summer Games are just a little over a week away, and the Southeast District tennis team is hard at work preparing for the games.

Manager of the SE team, Kalia Jutras, said Coach Arnold Betzema and the team have been working hard.

“We’ve had lots of practices, and the kids have been working hard. We’ve been lucky to have Coach coming down from Regina as well with Tennis Saskatchewan,” said Jutras.

“I think that the kids are all working together and working hard to get better and learn something new,” she added.




While some of the kids on the team come with experience playing tennis, a few are new to the sport.

Zyla Hammett and Abigail Jutras started playing tennis in May and are excited to go to the summer games.


All the athletes will be playing singles and doubles in Lloydminster, with mixed reviews on which format is better.

Hammett and Jutras both prefer singles, while Parker Koisor said he prefers doubles, as it is more fun to work with a partner.

Koisor is also looking forward to the summer games.

“It’s pretty cool to represent this part of Saskatchewan. I’m pretty excited, and it will be a good experience,” he said.



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